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WADA Director General: "Organizations must carry out quality anti-doping programs if true reflection of doping prevalence is to be known"

2015-03-02 14:24 WADA

February 25, 2015 - At WADA, we are aware of the Prevalence of Doping Use in Elite Sports: A Review of Numbers and Methods study that was recently published in the Netherlands.

We acknowledge that analytical studies over the years have suggested that the prevalence of doping is considerably higher than the current 1-2% adverse analytical findings range typically reported in our annual Testing Figures Report.

Through the development, and now introduction, of the revised World Anti-Doping Code, WADA has introduced enhanced measures that we hope will present a more accurate reflection of the state of the prevalence of doping in sport. Quality-driven sport-specific testing programs that focus on testing the right athlete for the right substance at the right time, and a greater emphasis on gathering and sharing information that help piece together doping cases: the emphasis is on anti-doping organizations across the world to practice their anti-doping programs effectively so that we are provided with a clearer picture of the level of doping in sport.

Furthermore, with the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) (or use of another approved system) becoming mandatory in 2015, we hope that Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) will enter their full results management information including anti-doping rule violation statistics. If organizations take on full responsibility in doing this, only then will they have the opportunity to produce a full picture of global sanctions data.