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The Wushu Administration Centre

2003-11-27 10:56 COC

    The Wushu Administration Centre (WAC), reorganized under the All-China Sports Federation (ACSF), is the highest organ of power exercising leadership over the work of wushu (or Chinese martial arts) in the country.

    The main tasks of the WAC are, in accordance with the nation's general and specific policies and principles for sports, to organize and give guidance in a unified way to the development and popularization of wushu, raise the technical level and, through various activities, accumulate funds for the promotion of wushu as a sport.

    The main responsibilities of the WAC are as follows:

    1) Responsible in an all-round way for managing the affairs of the various wushu events, studying and making decisions on the plans, policies and principles for the promotion of these events.

    2) Organizing teams composed of the elite of various events and training reserve forces.

    3) Drawing up and implementing the plans and rules for national competitions as well as the rules and regulations governing judges and the ratification of competition results.

    4) Organizing scientific research as well as the research and development of apparatus and equipment for the various wushu events and publishing periodicals for publicizing wushu.

    5) Promoting international activities and technical exchanges, forming national teams for international competitions, approving and organizing international competitions in China.

    6) Promoting activities and services related to wushu and increasing ways of raising funds for self-development.

    7) On the basis of constantly improving its own work, the China Wushu Association (CWA) will establish wide contacts and unite with the people of all walks of life so as to enhance its ties with the people at large.

    The WAC has under it departments in charge of secretarial work, general affairs, finance, competition and training, popularization of wushu among the people, scientific research, foreign affairs, qigong (breathing exercise), publicity, business management, and development.

    The director of the WAC is Wang Xiaolin.