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EAC praises IAAF and IOC Anti-doping efforts

2009-05-06 09:33 AIPS

LAUSANNE, May 5 2009 - European Athletics Council has expressed its strong support to the IAAF and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in the fight to clean out the sport of athletics of the doping cheats.

The IOC recently announced that three athletes tested positive to the new form of EPO named MIRCERA following re-analysis of samples taken by the IOC in Beijing.

The Council led by President Hansjorg Wirz lauded the IOC and the IAAF for their efforts to bring the doping cheats to book.

"This action shows that athletes who cheat can never be comfortable that they will avoid detection. Today we are much more equipped to catch these cheats. This action sends a strong message of deterrence,” said Hansjorg Wirz, President of European Athletics.

He also pledged the relentless support of European Athletics in this battle against Doping.

"We are strongly behind the IAAF, the IOC and WADA to help clean our sport of such cheats who bring disrepute to the sport. European Athletics has been a leading player in this fight and will continue to be so till we win this battle,” he added.

He promised to provide the best possible environment for drug-free competition at all the European Athletics events.