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First anti-doping research grant awarded in U.S.

2009-05-28 16:06 Xinhuanet

LOS ANGELES, May 27 (Xinhua) -- The Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC) announced on Wednesday the awarding of its first anti-doping research grant since the research collaborative was formed in 2008.

The recipient of the 500,000-dollar grant is J. Thomas Brenna, Ph.D., of Cornell University for his grant proposal titled, "Characterization of the Human Urinary Steroidome for Anti-Doping Applications."

The PCC is an innovative research collaborative founded by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League (NFL).

The mission of the PCC is to ensure integrity in sport by supporting anti-doping research, thereby ensuring the benefits of sports across all levels of participation.

The Brenna research aims to define the whole steroid profile in urine using comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography/time of flight mass spectrometry. This should allow detection of synthetic anabolic steroids, including designer steroids.

Brenna also plans to extend the steroid separation approach to carbon isotope ratio (CIR) testing which can determine whether a steroid is natural or synthetic.

"In selecting Dr. Brenna as our first grant recipient, the PCC and this country's major sports organizations have collectively taken a major step forward in supporting high-level anti-doping research," USOC Acting Chief Executive Officer and PCC Board of Governors Chairperson Stephanie Streeter said.

"Brenna's research project has the potential for increasing the sample throughput and detection limits, which would benefit all sports entities and improve upon existing testing techniques. We are impressed by Brenna's research and look forward to his findings and recommendations over the next several years."

"We are honored the PCC has selected our laboratory as its first grant recipient," Brenna said. "Our research group looks forward to the opportunity to contribute to the important efforts of the PCC to maintain the integrity of sports."

The PCC is now accepting applications for its next round of grant funding. Pre-applications are due by July 1, 2009. Selected applicants will then be asked to fill out a full application by August 1, 2009. The PCC will conduct three grant application rounds annually.