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Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee launches new website

2009-06-22 15:07 SF&OC

22.06.2009 - Under the auspice of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee (HKADC) is pleased to announce the launch of its official website located at www.antidoping.hk.

This bilingual website provides convenient on-line access to timely and accurate anti-doping information. It is designed in a user friendly way to serve its main target groups including athletes, athlete support personnel, physicians as well as the general public.

With the newly launched website, information on anti-doping regulations, the testing procedure, therapeutic use exemption, the latest prohibited list, the precautions against inadvertent doping, the risks of supplement use, and much other useful information is readily available at the finger tips.

As the Hong Kong Anti-Doping programme further develops, it is expected that this website would become an integral part of the education programme. We therefore welcome any suggestion and comment that will help us to improve this important communication channel. HKADC will continue to promote a drug free sport culture in Hong Kong.