June 23, 2009 - On June 22-23, WADA held a Think Tank seminar in Oslo, Norway, with the assistance of the Government of Norway and Anti-Doping Norway.
“In the ever evolving context of doping, WADA is always looking for new ideas and strategies,” said WADA’s President John Fahey. “Nearly ten years have passed since the creation of the Agency. This was a good time for us to look with a challenging eye at the progress being made in the global fight against doping in sport as a result of WADA’s establishment and to brainstorm about the next critical steps.”
“Without any doubt, WADA has, during its tenure, made a significant contribution to the international fight against doping in sport,” added WADA’s Director General David Howman. “But can we do better? Is the anti-doping movement on the right track? What could be done differently and how? And with what resources? By gathering WADA’s Executive members, the Agency’s Management and external speakers and facilitators who presented thought-provoking and challenging concepts, we were able to generate fruitful discussions and ideas that we hope will help the anti-doping community shape the way forward.”
These ideas will be shared and further discussed with WADA’s stakeholders in the coming months.