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One Hundred and Thirty Countries Have Now Ratified UNESCO Convention

2010-01-07 09:23 WADA

Jan 5, 2010 - With Togo and Georgia having completed their ratification procedures, 130 countries out of the 193 UNESCO Member States have now ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport. The new ratifications bring the percentage of the world population covered by the Convention to approximately 90%.

The UNESCO Convention, which came into force on February 1, 2007, is the practical instrument by which governments formalize their commitment to the fight against doping. Given that many governments cannot be bound by a non-governmental document such as the World Anti-Doping Code (the document harmonizing anti-doping rules in all sports and countries), the Convention permits governments to align their domestic policies with the Code, thus harmonizing the rules governing anti-doping in sport and public legislation.

Under UNESCO standards, the International Convention against Doping in Sport has set speed records in terms of preparation, adoption and ratification.