08 April 2010 - The ITU Anti-doping Team is very excited to be attending the Association of National Anti-Doping Organisations (ANADO) Conference this week in Bucharest, Romania. The theme is “Members Working Together” and there are members of NADOs, IFs, Organizing Committees and UNESCO on the speaker’s list.
In addition to discussing the International Standard of Testing and Quality Programs, Keven Haynes, Deputy Manager of Anti-Doping for the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG) will be giving a progress report.
Leslie Buchanan, ITU’s Anti-doping Director, is pleased to have been asked to chair the ANADO AGM on April 12th, as well as help lead with some of the conference breakout sessions. After the ANADO Conference, Ria Nilsson, ITU Executive Board Member, and Leslie Buchanan will attend the WADA Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. Please read upcoming newsletter articles for information that has been learned from these conferences.