Beijing, China - Professor Arne Ljungqvist (SWE), Honorary Life Vice-President and former Senior Vice-President of the IAAF has launched the Chinese version of his book which was first published in Swedish in 2008.
On 29 September 2010, the Chinese Sports Ministry organised the launch of the Mandarin language version of Professor Ljungqvist’s book ‘Doping Nemesis’ which quote 'lifts the lid off Anti-Doping-secrets!'
The launch ceremony attended by Professor Ljungqvist, who is the Chairman of IOC Medical Commission and WADA Vice President, was held at the Beijing Sports University in the Teachers’ Auditorium. Students, VIP-guests and media were invited to the ceremony and accompanying seminar which centred on international progress in the fight against doping.
In the past 40 years, Professor Ljungqvist devoted himself to the realm of anti-doping. "I always regard doping as cancer in sport. Doping has no place in sport," said Ljungqvist.
The book will be used as mandatory training for all doping control staff in the country of China.
Originally published in Swedish, the Chinese version is the first in a series of international editions. Coming up next in 2011 are English and French editions, and in future a Japanese version will also be published.