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WADA RM workshop in Kuwait

2011-05-12 10:09 OCA

Richard Redman, Head of Case Management, UKAD

11 May 2011, Kuwait: WADA Result Management (RM) Training Workshop for GCC & Yemen Regional Anti Doping Organization (RADO) starts today in Kuwait.

The one day RM workshop conducted by Richard Redman, Head of Case Management from UK Anti Doping Agency.

The three main objectives are understanding of how rules are applied within the result management process; awareness of the sanctions and how they are applied to the anti-doping Rule Violations; establishment of RADO Results Management Committee.

Richard gives a detailed presentation on Anti-Doping Rule Violation such as presence of substance, tampering or attempt, refusing, trafficking, whereabouts and possession, administering or attempt to administer.

The clear message sent out to all participants is an athlete is responsible, an anti doping rule violation occurs, whenever a prohibited substance (or its metabolites or markers) is found in the bodily specimen of an athlete’s sample.

The RM training workshop is part of two days program of the 9th GCC & YEM RADO Board Meeting in Kuwait.