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Jordan Anti-Doping Organisation receives quality certificate

2011-06-08 09:24 OCA

07 Jun 2011, Amman, Jordan: The Jordan Anti-Doping Organisation (JADO) has been recognised for its excellence by receiving the Quality Certificate (ISO 9000-2008). Dr Kamal Al Hadidi, President of JADO, received the accolade on Monday, June 6, watched by Lana Al Jaghbeer, Jordan Olympic Committee Secretary General, at the JADO headquarters in Amman.
JADO received the globally-recognised certificate after completing all required procedures, allowing JADO to become the first Arab sports organisation and one of the first anti-doping organisations in Asia to receive this certificate.

“JADO has made a tremendous contribution to sport in Jordan and this certificate recognises its position as a global leader in the fight against doping. Let this be an example to all sporting organisations to do their best in improving and developing their services to internationally recognised standards,” said Mrs Al Jaghbeer.

The certificate gives JADO international recognition in management, education, culture and doping test procedure and will enable the organisation to sign contracts with international and regional federations as well as the World Anti-Doping Agency.

“We work under the directives of the JOC to improve and develop the quality of our organisation. I thank the JOC and its President HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein for their support,” she added. (www.joc.jo)