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WADA statement on the NHL

2011-11-10 17:12 WADA

November 8, 2011 - WADA has read with interest media articles on George Laraque's book detailing his experiences playing in the NHL, though it has not yet read the book itself.

The Agency has taken note of Laraque’s comments on the drug taking of former NHL athletes that he says occurred during his playing days. It is disturbing to learn of these charges, which will undoubtedly be discussed further with the player.

WADA condemns all forms of doping in sport and has worked closely with the NHL in recent years to discuss ways of advancing their program so that it will mirror the World Anti-Doping Code.

The two parties have a closer understanding of their respective challenges and talks are ongoing.

Evidence of this growing co-operation will be on display at the 2012 All Star Game in January where the NHL will be partnering with WADA’s anti-doping awareness campaign, Say NO! to Doping.