26 SEP 2012, Kuwait: Doping Control Officers from the Gulf States and Yemen RADO (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Oman), Central Asia RADO (Kazakhstan) and South East Asia RADO (Malaysia and Philippines) were selected by the London Organising Committee to be a part of the doping control team at both the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
RADO (Regional Anti-Doping Organisations) representatives brought a unique perspective to their various roles, and the experience gained during the Games will be transferred back to their respective countries and regions for all to benefit.
The Southeast Asia RADO Office, which recently moved to Singapore, has hired a Director General to manage its activities. The RADO recently issued its first newsletter and is now focusing on the development of an Athlete Outreach Programme for the 2013 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, scheduled for December 2013 in Myanmar.
This programme will be funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) through its Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport. Many RADOs are applying to this UNESCO fund to help implement various regional anti-doping programmes and activities.
The RADO Programme continues to receive support from the governments of Australia (for the Oceania RADO) and Japan (for Asia RADOs). In addition, the Korea Anti-Doping Agency is supporting the attendance of DCOs from Central Asia to one of its upcoming DCO training workshops in November. The work of the RADOs has contributed to the overall fight against doping in sport. To date there are 15 RADOs involving 121 countries. (Source: www.playtrue.wada-ama.org)