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WADA publishes Independent Observer Report for 2012 Paralympic Games

2012-10-10 15:24 WADA

October 9, 2012 - WADA has completed and published its Independent Observer (IO) Report on the anti-doping program at the 2012 London Paralympic Games.

In accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) invited a team of IOs to observe the different phases of the doping control process in a neutral and unbiased manner, to verify that appropriate procedures were followed and to provide their observations and recommendations in interim reports to the IPC and a final public report.

The IO Team monitored all aspects of the anti-doping program during the London Paralympic Games, including test distribution planning, the selection of competitors for testing, notification of doping control, Therapeutic Use Exemption procedure, chain of custody, sample analysis and results management.

As is the case following all IO Missions, the report included a number of recommendations designed to further enhance anti-doping activities at future Games.