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Kazakhstan hosts RADO-Central Asia board meeting

2012-11-02 09:55 OCA

01 Nov 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan: The Central Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (RADO) annual board meeting was held at Almaty, Kazakhstan, on October 27-28. Apart from Pakistan, all member countries were represented, namely Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The meeting was attended by representatives from the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Olympic Council of Asia and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sports and Physical Training Affairs.

WADA was represented by Mr. Robert Koehler, Director of WADA's Education and Programme Development; Mr. Tom May, Senior Manager of WADA's Programme Development Department; Mr. Kazuhiro Hayashi (Director) and Ms. Miki Chiho (Coordinator) of WADA Asia/Oceania Regional Office.

Ms. Nadiah Al Shamali, Acting Manager of the Doping Control Department, and Dr. Jaffer Al-Muthafer, Manager of Protocol in OCA, participated as observers from the Olympic Council of Asia.

The Vice Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sports and Physical Training Affairs, Mr. Kanagatov Lsiyar Baymuhamedovich, gave the introductory address, followed by Mr Timur Dossymbetov, Secretary General, Kazakhstan Olympic Committee, Mr. Robert Koehler (WADA), Ms. Nadiah Al Shamali (OCA) and Mr. Bakhodair Khusankhodjaev, Chairman of RADO-Central Asia, who officially opened the meeting.

The meeting resulted in a package of decisions approved by the member countries unanimously. The decisions included the transfer of the RADO office from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan and the appointment of Ms. Maira Bakasheva as the director of the RADO office and a Vice Chairman.

In addition, the member countries, with the assistance of WADA, have drafted and approved the operational plan of RADO-Central Asia for 2013. The RADOCA board meeting was preceded by a short meeting held at the Kazakhstan Olympic Committee HQ on October 26. The meeting was attended by representatives from WADA, OCA and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Sports and Physical Training Affairs.

It was a successful and productive meeting that resulted in a series of recommendations focusing on the development of anti-doping programmes in Kazakhstan in particular and the region in general. There are 15 established RADOs worldwide, including five in Asia located at Maldives (South Asia), Singapore (South East Asia), Jordan (West Asia), Kuwait (GCCY) and Kazakhstan (Central Asia).