December 5, 2012 - WADA welcomes the decision of the IOC to strip four athletes of their medals after samples taken at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens were reanalyzed earlier this year.
This outcome has more than justified the IOC’s decision to reanalyze a number of samples from 2004. WADA applauds that and the decisions taken by the IOC today.
The whole rationale behind storing samples is that they can be tested again at a later date, using new and more effective detection methods that may not have been available when the samples were taken.
Athletes who cheat by using doping substances must understand that just because they get away with it one day, there is a very good chance that they will be caught in the future. The retesting and subsequent decisions of the IOC are proof of that.
Retesting should serve as a strong deterrent and WADA will continue to work with its stakeholders to enhance this component of the overall strategy for anti-doping.