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MONACO, July 26, 2013 - The Anti-Doping Statistics for tests carried out in 2012 under the direct authority of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) have been published on the IAAF website.
These testing statistics only include IAAF tests and do not include those carried out by National Anti-Doping Agencies, WADA or the IOC.
The IAAF Registered Testing Pool in 2012 contained 525 athletes, who were selected from the top 20 athletes in each event discipline.
The top 10 nations tested in 2012 were as follows:
nation / no. tests / % of total tests
KEN 348 tests (14.7%)
RUS 336 (14.2%)
USA 222 (9.4%)
ETH 171 (7.2%)
JAM 126 (5.3%)
UKR 94 (4.0%)
BLR 82 (3.5%)
TUR 74 (3.1%)
GER 72 (3.0%)
MAR 62 (2.6%)
The 2012 Anti-Doping Statistics are available as follows:
- 2012 Doping Control Programme - List of tested athletes
- ANNUAL Doping Control Statistics: 2012
- Registered Testing Pool 2012 – breakdown by country