September 5, 2014 - WADA is pleased to announce that Turkey has donated US $250,000 as part of a global government initiative to match the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC’s) pledge to invest US $10 million in innovative anti-doping research.
Turkey’s commitment offers a significant boost to the fund announced by the IOC last December. The total fund provided by sport and government will be put towards innovative athlete-centered anti-doping research, including new techniques for the detection of prohibited substances and methods.
Governments have until 16 November to make contributions that will help raise the total research fund for the joint IOC / WADA initiative to US $20 million.
WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie: “Turkey has firmly nailed its colors to the anti-doping mast by donating such a significant amount of money to innovative research. This is a positive contribution to the clean sport movement, and sends the right message to clean athletes right across the world.
“This signal sent by the Turkish government is a further boost to governments’ aim to match the IOC’s US $10 million. Research is crucial to all that the anti-doping community does, and my personal thanks go to Akif Çağatay Kılıç, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Turkey, and to Professor. Dr. Ugur Erdener, President of the National Olympic Committee of Turkey, for their country’s commitment.
“I look forward to further engaging governments over the coming weeks so that we can continue to advance the anti-doping cause.”