Athlete Committee members 2014
October 10, 2014 - The WADA Athlete Committee has called for an enhanced communication network to be developed between different organizations’ athlete committees. That was the message emanating from the Committee’s recent meeting in Incheon, Korea.
The Committee, whose 26-27 September meeting coincided with the XVII Asian Games, was vocal in its support for an improved network to help better disperse information and athlete views between different committees and organizations from across sport and the anti-doping community at-large.
The Committee, chaired by Beckie Scott, also agreed to be actively engaged in the development of the new and improved ADAMS 2016, so as to ensure the clean athlete’s perspective and needs are fully addressed when the enhanced platform is launched in 2016.
On the second day of the meeting, the committee members took the time to visit and participate in activities at the Asian Games Outreach Center in the Athlete Village.
“Communication is a pivotal aspect of all athlete matters when it comes to anti-doping, so we are glad that we were able to table this as a priority at our meeting in Korea,” said WADA Athlete Committee Chair, Beckie Scott.
“We shared a list of athlete committees that could connect better and improve the way their information and ideas are shared. We now look forward to putting into action the necessary steps so that all of us representing the clean athlete can continue to get the message across quickly and effectively.”
The next Athlete Committee meeting will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, 26-27 March 2015 in parallel to the WADA ADO Symposium.