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WADA hosts successful 3rd TUE Symposium

2014-11-02 10:21 WADA

Professor Arne Ljungqvist speaks to the 
audience at the 3rd WADA TUE Symposium

October 31, 2014 - The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) hosted a successful Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Symposium in Paris, France from 23-24 October.

The Symposium – which was the third of its kind following previous events in Bonn (2005) and Strasbourg (2009) – provided an excellent opportunity for nearly 200 representatives from National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs), International Federations (IFs) and some international sports organizations to address important topics, above all the need to continue a harmonized approach to the TUE process.

The Symposium discussed the TUE principles and practices and covered the crucial relevant changes in the revised World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE), both of which come into effect at the start of 2015.

Participants – mostly physicians but also some ADO management personnel – discussed and debated topics including numerous medical conditions that require the use of certain prohibited substances; challenges and lessons from ADOs; the continuing danger of supplement use in sport and details on TUE recognition and the appeal process. Former professional cyclist Tyler Hamilton participated in the event, and provided an athlete’s perspective including how TUEs had been abused.

WADA Medical Director, Dr. Alan Vernec: “We are extremely pleased with the outcomes of this Symposium. It occurred at an important time with the forthcoming changes to the Code and International Standards.

“The event allowed participants to further understand the key elements of the TUE process and the need to improve the quality of granted TUEs. We were also able to discuss the important balance of on the one hand ensuring that athletes with legitimate medical needs are still able to compete with approved medication yet on the other making sure that the TUE system is not abused as a back door way to cheating”.

The WADA TUE Symposium was held in collaboration with the ComitéNational Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF).