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Liu Peng meets with East Timor President

2005-11-17 17:51 COC
China's Sports Minister and COC President Liu Peng met with H.E.Mr.Kay Rala Xanana Gusmǎo, the visiting President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, in Beijing on November 16, 2005.

Liu Peng said that sports exchanges and cooperation play an important role in the relations between the two countries and that the Chinese sports circles are willing to make joint efforts with their East Timor counterparts to further strengthening such good-neighbourly relations.

The East Timor President congratulated the Chinese Sports Minister on China's great sports achievements and wished the 2008 Olympic Games a complete success. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks for GASC's selfless support and understanding of his people's longings for local sports development. He hoped China could further support East Timor for its participation in the 2008 Olympics by sending some coaches to help with the training of young athletes in his country.

The two sides also exchanged views on further sports cooperation among the Middle East countries.