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Olympic Day Run in Kuwait

2014-06-05 10:59 OCA

03 Jun 2014, Kuwait City, Kuwait: Kuwait will celebrate Olympic Day 2014 on Wednesday, June 4, with an Olympic Day Run in the vicinity of the new OCA HQ “Olympia” on Salmiya sea front. Although the official date of the IOC’s annual Olympic Day is June 23, Kuwait will hold their celebration on the occasion of the Sport of Arbitration Forum for Africa, Asia and Oceania on June 4-5 as well as the OCA Extraordinary General Assembly, also on June 4.

The Olympic Day Run activities will start at 6pm and be held in conjunction with the official unveiling of the Martyrs’ Monument dedicated to people who have given their lives in the defence of Kuwait. The monument depicts the clenched fist of the late Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, father of the OCA President, along with the dragon and the falcon from the OCA crest.