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IOC World Conference on Sport for All to be held in April

2013-02-16 09:32 IOC

15/02/2013 - Registration for the 15th IOC World Conference on Sport for All to be held in Lima, Peru from 24 to 27 April 2013 closes next Friday 22 February.
This international conference will bring together some of the leading experts in the field to share their best practices. Speakers hail from around the world and from diverse professional fields in order to bring a wide and varied perspective to the subject.

Confirmed speakers and participants include IOC members, National Olympic Committee representatives as well as representatives from the United Nations, International Sport Federations, Development Banks, City administration officials and private sector companies.

Sessions are presented along three themes. Theme one, entitled Social Benefits will look at the various benefits of sport and recreation for a community and the role of Sport for All projects in the development of social cohesion. The sessions on Sports Facilities and Public Spaces will look at how the accessibility of sporting facilities can increase the desirability of participating in sport. The theme of Partnerships will cover the importance of inter-sectoral cooperation to successfully increase the level of participation in regular physical activity.

Plenary and breakout session on these topics will be followed by practical sessions which will provide opportunities to develop specific skills needed to implement Sport for All programmes. Also as part of the conference participants will have the chance to visit concrete examples of Sport for All initiatives put in place in the city of Lima.