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2008-11-03 16:03 COC


Boxing ranks among the Olympic Games' most illustrious sports.

When it first arrived in the Ancient Olympic Games, the tools of the trade were long strips of leather wrapped around boxers' fists. The fight continued until one man or the other went down or conceded. The Romans followed with a gladiator dimension. They used gloves studded with spikes or weighted with lead, and fights often ended in death, like other entertainment of the day.

When the modern Games resumed in 1896, the Athens organising committee omitted boxing, deciding it was too dangerous. The sport reappeared in 1904 in St. Louis, thanks to its popularity in the United States, then disappeared again in 1912 at Stockholm because Sweden's national law banned it.

Only in 1920 did boxing return to the Olympic Games to stay. Hence, Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay at the time) and Teofilo Stevenson (a three-time gold medallist) could join names like Theagenes of Thassos and Cleitomachus of Thebes among the legends.

Chinese Boxing Association

Founded: 1987

Headquarters: Beijing

AIBA Member since: 1987

Vice president: CHANG Jianping

Add: A14 Tiantandongli, Zhongqu, Beijing 100061, China

Tex: (8610) 87182951




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Brief introduction:

A national mass sports organization and member of the All-China Sports Federation. Its highest organ of power is the National Committee, the executive organ is the CBA Standing Committee, and the secretariat is in charge of the administration work.

China was officially admitted into the Association Internationale de Boxe Amateur (AIBA) at its executive meeting held in Havana, Cuba as the 150th member in 1987. Amateur boxing, which was practised in China in the 1950s, was virtually banned for over two decades until it was revived, though on a limited scale in 1986. Following the a number of exhibition matches and small-scale exhibitions that year, China began to be involved in international competitions.

Link: International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA)