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2008-11-03 17:09 COC


Biathlon was originally a tactic of survival rather than a sport. Northern Europeans skied to hunt for food and, later, skied with weapons to defend their countries. The word "biathlon" stems from the Greek word for two contests. Today it is interpreted as a joining of two sports: cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

In 1960, Biathlon joined the International Modern Pentathlon Union (UIPM). But in 1993, an agreement was made to retain the Union as an umbrella body under which the UIPM and the IBU could act autonomously. It took effect in 1998, but the two sports maintain relations in various projects.

Chinese Biathlon Association


Headquarters: Beijing

IBU Member since:

President: Xiao Tian

General-Secretary: Tian Younian

Add: 56 Zhongguancun, South Street, Haidian District, 100044 Beijing, China

Tel: (8610) 68332576

Fax: (8610) 68332578

Email: ski-china@263.net

Brief Introduction

A national mass sports organization and member of the All-China Sports Federation. Its highest organ of power is the National Committee, the executive organ is the Executive Committee and the secretariat is in charge of the administration work.

Link: International Biathlon Union (IBU)