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14th Olympic Winter Games: SARAJEVO 1984

2004-03-27 12:15 COC

Date: 8-19 February 1984
NOCs (Nations): 49
Athletes: 1,272 (274 women, 998 men)
Sports: 6
Events: 39
Volunteers: 10,450
Media: 7,393 (2,363 written press, 5,030 broadcasters) 

In 1984, the Winter Games took place in Yugoslavia, a Socialist country, for the first and only time. The people of Sarajevo gained high marks for their hospitality, and there was no indication of the tragic war that would engulf the city only a few years later. Skier Jure Franko brought joy to the host nation by earning Yugoslavia's first Winter Olympics medal: a silver in the giant slalom. Marja-Liisa H?m?l?inen won all three individual cross-country races for women. In speed skating, Gaétan Boucher and Karin Enke each won two gold medals. Biathlete Eirik Kvalfoss earned a complete set of medals. Twin brothers Phil and Steve Mahre took first and second place in the slalom. The highlight of the figure skating competitions was the free dance performance of Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean. Their interpretation of Ravel's Bolero earned across-the-board perfect scores for artistic impression.

Thirty-seven Chinese athletes took part in the Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games, during which Jin Xuefei and Wang Guizhen finished 19th and 20th respectively in the alpine skiing women's slalom.